I know it really isn't important to anybody else but I really have to post my weekly Last FM chart, just be thankful it's only the Top 5 and not the Top 20.
At number 1 this week are The Sounds, unsurprisingly. I'm a little bit bored of them right now though.
At number 2 are The Chalets, um because I like them and I only really took them in after I saw this PUNKCAST (scroll down a bit).
At number 3 it's Missing Persons, wooooo! Well I had to really didn't I what with all the The Sounds comparisons and whatnot.
At number 4 is well, Throwing Muses. I like 50 Foot Wave (free music!), see, and wanted to listen to some old Kristin Hersh.
At number 5 is The Pretenders a band I still can't get into despite numerous attempts to do so. Is there something wrong with me? (Admittedly it was a singles compilation and I am a bit of an album track person).
Right, play out is Missing Persons - Walking in LA.