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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

dire things about media no.1: The Observer Music Monthly

Life is a pain. It means I end up updating my blog with something I experienced almost a fortnight ago. And this isn't the first time, as any one who has read any post here has noticed the events I record tend to be posted sometime after the event.

Some particularly keen bloggers actually write their stuff as the event happens! I can't multi-task like that though...

So, yeah the Sunday after last's Observer Music Monthly was yet another work out in middle-aged befuddlement of the kind even Q or Mojo would shy away from. But this one outdid itself in the 'out-of-touch' stakes in just two sentences:

"Thanks to the success of the Arctic Monkeys, there's barely a soul who hasn't heard of MySpace. You'd be hard pushed, however, to find many over the age of 16 who actually know what it is"

WTF!? Anybody who has even heard of Myspace knows that there are quite literally millions of people over the age of 16 on Myspace, in fact for work I had to interview a bunch of 11 year olds and none of them had even heard of Myspace.

The remainder of the OMM's Top Five snippets of stupidity include:
2. An interview with Sh**ne W**d
3. An interview with Sh**ne W**d (sorry couldn't resist)
4. Putting James Bl**t at the top of the 'uppers' - I'll never tire of hating him and all he stands for.
5. Miranda Sawyer admitting to never having used her iPod - buy a fricking Zen moron, you don't need iTunes (actually, just buy a new computer).


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