A Quiet Week

I don't really have much to say, but feel compelled to write something because of this things (my blog) existence.
The reality is that some weeks music is really important, other weeks it seems to be less so and while admittedly this blog purports to do more than talk about just music , in reality that is what the subject usually is.
So, although no-one can see from the position of this post (I really have to sort out the stupid columns so the one on the right isn't squashed underneath the middle one) I have my Last FM weekly chart on display for all the world, or rather potentially all the world to see. Which could make null and void my weekly 'Top of My Pops' post. On second thoughts, I think I'll carry on doing them anyway, mainly because I want to. Guess I better get to work on it.
Other Things: Saw some god awful band called CLECKHUDDERSFAX at Bardens Boudoir re-opening night. Both the opening and the band were shambolic in every way, which I think the organisers actually encourage in a vain attempt to appear anarchic and well, 'Dalston'. Most of their set sounded like Black Dice's out takes (look, Black Dice have no fans and weirdly, or perhaps not so weirdly, no friends) and their singer was rude to my friend and had the cheek to do it while wearing a stupid orange vest thing.
BJDI Rating = SHIT
Good Other Things:On Sunday night we saw Shimura Curves at somebody's, er, unit next to London Fields. They were much, much better than Cleckhuddersafax and weren't rude to anyone. In fact they were pretty damn brave to do a gig in someones living room eyeball to eyeball with their friends. In that context friends are way more intimidating than strangers.
ONe More Thing: Another thing I did was put together a BJD demo, a process that consumed about 1000 times more of my week than I had planned for, partly because I'm an anal perfectionist and partly because my mouse pad is oversensitive. I haven't tried to find out what she really says, but the second line of Morningwood's 'Jetsetter' sounds just like 'I'm weeing in my cups'. I just checked, apparently she's saying 'I'm ennui and in my cups' which makes less sense, because ennui is a noun, right?
UPDATE: I've fixed my blog so it doesn't look so weird anymore
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