Not Food (and not music)

I'm not doing food after all but I do want to do something that isn't music. So I thought about it and I decided against all my better judgements that I was going to do politics, but then I realised that it simply wouldn't fit in with the rest of this blog, what with its stupid name and the stupid names of the bands and the songs that get mentioned on here.
So instead, I'm going to write some stuff about a subject that goes hand in hand with stupid names - computer games.
Now, I know computer games are normally the exclusive arena of the most repellent and socially retarded of geeks, but they are actually great fun so long as you play in moderation and try to avoid the most morally ambiguous and stupid of games you should feel none of the less pleasant side effects (i.e. MMORPGs).
Now Thief: Deadly Shadows (pictured) may not sound particularly moralistic, but Garret (see, a stupid name) does save the universe through his nimble fingered exploits and it is set in a world where the less well-off patrons appear to be the imbecilic descendants of Bert from Mary Poppins so reality clearly wasn't too high on the agenda for the makers. So there are no worries about slipping into a spate of rampant kleptomania when you're finished. Words don't really do it justice and you can get it really cheap on ebay (mine was a Russian version and cost less than £3).
Plus it has the scariest level ever..... ever. Even scarier than this
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