There are too many blogs about music, no, in fact there are too many words written about music full stop. Is it really that good? I know it is good, especially when you're in your teens, but does it really deserve so much attention. Think about it, on the scale of humankind's achievements, is music really all that amazing? How about the pyramids or even a skyscraper, or a bridge. Imagine what would have happened if all the bridge builders decided to make music instead, we'd be fucked then wouldn't we. All music does is make people move rhythmically or smile or relax or whatever, it doesnt do big things like provide a solution to world poverty (no matter how hard you try, Geldof) or enact miracles.
Mostly, it's made by fame hungry egotists (i.e. utter cocks (see picture)) who believe their 'genius' has a god given right to success and wealth, our wealth, and we fall for it like the drooling morons we are, desperate to participate in the so-called 'creative' industries, that are in reality no more than a front for the business of lewd and perverse sexual acts and excessive drug consumption.
Er, right, before I come across as a total fascist, the point of this rant is that for my next few entries this blog is going to be dedicated to something far more essential to life than mere music - food!! Yes, food...
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