'Core' is such an overused suffix when it comes to genre nomenclature, I'm not 100% sure what it means but given the precedents I'm willing to put my money on hard, noisey, fast and, as such, really fricking annoying - see GrindCORE, HardCORE, QueerCORE etc. etc.
So what the hell is indiecore?? Other than a stupid made up genre with an unoriginal name??
It's the antithesis of wet, whining, twee, simpering, limp-wristed, self-pitying indie.
I suppose a less pretentious man than I would simply say it's indie with punk attitude but how boring is that, I mean with so many blogs out there people just don't have time to read prosaic or long-winded music descriptions do they...
The Kings and Queens of INDIECORE =
Young & Restless = soon to be the most popular band ever from Australia, they are well harder than any other indie band. Black
Von Iva = why don't they hurry up and release some damn new material?? Maybe because one of them has gone off to have a baby, aw. Jillian Iva is harder than all The Killers put together. Showboat.
Channels 3 and 4 = utterly noisey, shouting and stuff, songs that are songs are really short Grindcore style. The Queen.
Be Your Own PET = even though NME love them, they actually deserve it because they play really fast and even do the odd guitar solo. We Will Vacation...
Todd = scary and noisy and fast, the grindiest so far. Hog Blood River
Mutators = I don't know if it was recorded in a bin or they just made it sound like it was recorded in a bin, suffice to say they're just fricking sick and have the best Myspace picture ever. Hmm, don't seem able to download any music off Myspace at the moment, you'll just have to listen to a song of there's on there.
AIDS Wolf = best ever source of stupid names: special deluxe, hiroshima thunder, barbarian destroyer, him, the maji and, er, mark mclean. We Multiply.
that's all for now, will keep you posted on the emerging dukes, earls, counts and squires of indiecore...