Song of the Day No 3: 'Mare of the Night' by Magneta Lane

Yeah, that's right it's a 'modern song', not some nostalgia riddenth 80s rock tribute, so.
When I first heard their EP late last year I liked what I heard, it was pretty ballsy, I was expecting some indie-whinge fest thanks to my narrow minded preconceptions, but I couldn't pick out a stand out song. But now that I've heard 'Mare of the Night' about 6 times in the past few days in preparation for a set I can safely say this is my favourite from the album. And I don't care about the hype that surrounds them in the US, they deserve to be hyped, way more than most of the 'serious' guitar music that the the music press have taken to tremblingly fellating, metaphorically speaking.
In fact I would go as far as saying that new music by new female bands (see Von Iva and The Soviettes) kicks the shit out of the blokes (see The Lost Patrol Band and The Ponys), who are too busy trying to come across as 'sensitive and intelligent' to bother to remember that they're fricking rock bands. The balls are firmly in the girls camp on this one.
I like the fat, heavy drums the warbly melody and the fuzz of the guitars and her voice is the best I've heard since that woman who fronts the Detroit Cobras. And the song isn't really obvious, which is why I probably shouldn't play it in my set, but I like it. They're also Canadian and the singer is called Lexi Valentine which is up there with the Belladonnas of this world.
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